Heavy snowfalls in Rome have made a lot of damages to gardens. There were many trees which felt down, branches that broke…

In Villa Strohl-Fern, the tunnel of roses collapsed pulling down its columns and needs to be rebuilt. A branch of the cement tree, an art piece of the early 20th century by Baron Strohl had been broken and one of the trunks of the eldest evergreen oak of the garden, which might be 300 years-old, broke and felt on the ground. The tree was already missing one of his trunks and will hopefully survive. It was the first time in 27 years that so much snow felt on the Italian capital and 2012 will sadly remain in the memory of gardeners…

A lemon and an orange

February 14, 2012


Snow was still covering Villa Borghese on the sunny Sunday morning.


Saturday was marked by the heaviest snowfall in 27 years in Rome. I went to Villa Borghese early morning…

Three apples’ high

February 1, 2012

In French, when someone is very short we say that he is “three apples’ high’…

I am still trying to re-create lights like the ones seen on paintings by Italian masters. I was very impessed by the colours of the Cenacolo Vinciano (The last supper) by Leonardo that I have seen a few weeks ago in Milan, especially the blue. I know that I will never be able to approach this quality of colour, but I like to look for it.